Unique Gifts

Find a not-so-typical gift and surprise someone special in your life.

Unique Gifts

Give a unique gift that stands out in quality and design with carefully curated
décor and tabletop from our unique gifts collection. Created from a desire to
bring color and style to every occasion, these unique gifts will delight your
friends and family – or anyone who receives one of these thoughtful finds.
Unique in design and practical in function, each of these stand-out gifts makes it easy to celebrate every day!

Delight your friend with a shaped lemon toothpick holder as unique as they are. Share your love of coffee or celebrate theirs with a footed mug paired with their favorite coffee grounds. The colorful designs of our cloth napkins complement any tabletop décor and make the perfect add-on to a gift.

Elevate any occasion with a gift from our Unique Gift Collection! These sophisticated and colorful pieces are as unique as the person who receives them and a delightful addition to any home décor. Express yourself and let them know you admire their style with a unique gift.

Let them know you celebrate them to the stars and back with a gift from Coton Colors’ unique gift collection.

Your One-Stop Shop 

Holiday Gift Guide 

Say 'goodbye' to endless guessing and 'hello' you your helpful holiday guide.  

We’ve curated an assortment of gifts they actually want. 

Holiday Gift Guide